Wavecontrol WPH-DC
Related Equipment
The Wavecontrol WPH-DC field probe is designed for use with the SMP2 meter for H-field/Magnetic field measurement up to 40kHz. This probe with the meter provides both Static and time-variable fields as well as Isotropic & True RMS measurements. This probe can be rented individually or with a meter for a complete test system.
- Specifications:
- Sensor Type
- Triaxial Hall sensor
- Frequency range
- 0 - 40 kHz
- Measurement range
- 10 uT - 10 T
- Resolution
- < 50 nT
- Noise
- < 5 uT
- Overload
- 20 T
- Dynamic range
- > 120 dB
- Dimensions
- 273 x 21 (mm) - Sensor stick 9.4 (mm)