Rent E-Field Probes

Amplifier Research FL8018/kit - Rent 18 GHz Field Probe kit
- Frequency Range 20 MHz - 18 GHz
- Field Strength 2 - 1000 V/m CW, AM & Pulse
- Automotive, Military, & Commercial Field Measurements
In Stock

ETS-Lindgren HI-6006 - Rent 6 GHz E-Field Probe
- Frequency Range 100 kHz - 6 GHz
- Field Strength 0.5 - 800 V/m
- Suitable for IEC 61000-4-3 Field Verification
In Stock

Amplifier Research FL8009/kit - Rent 9.3 GHz Field Probe Kit
- Frequency Range 20 MHz - 9.3 GHz
- Field Strength .5 - 800 V/m CW, AM & Pulse
- Automotive, Military, & Commercial Field Measurements

Wavecontrol SMP2 - Rent EMF Meter & Probes
- Designed for EMF Measurements to 60 GHz
- Provides X, Y, Z and Total Field Data via Screen
- SMP2 Software, Fiberoptic Cable, & Laptop Included

Wavecontrol WPH-DC - Rent DC - 40 kHz H-Field Probe
- Magnetic Field Measurement (H Field) Probe
- DC to 40kHz Continuous Frequency Range
- Static and Time-variable Field Measurements

Wavecontrol WP400 - Rent 1 Hz - 400 kHz H/E-Field Probe
- Magnetic & Electric Field Measurement Probe
- H-Field & E-Field Frequency 1 Hz- 400 kHz
- Max Range 100 kV/m & 10 mT; Noise (< 4 mV/m)

Wavecontrol WPF18 - Rent 300 kHz - 18 GHz E-Field Probe
- Electric Field Probe 300 kHz - 18 GHz
- High Sensitivity from for 0.5V/m Measurements
- Max 250 V/m CW & 30 V/m RMS Fields