EMC Partner CN-GI-CI-V
Related Equipment
Voltage injection clamp for cable bundle testing in accordance with DO-160 section 22 and MIL-STD-461 CS117. Application with waveforms 4 and 5A up to DO-160 level 5. It can only be rented with the AVI3000 or AVI-LV3 test system by EMC Partner.
- Specifications:
- Standards
- MIL-STD-461G CS117, DO-160G S22, other
- Application
- injection probe for WF4, WF5A (voltage) in cable induction mode
- Suitable for waveforms
- WF1, WF2, WF3, WF5A, WF6
- Test level WF4 (CI)
- max. 600 V with AVI3000
- Test level WF5A (CI)
- max. 600 V with AVI3000
- EUT supply
- max. 130 A @ 50-60 Hz with AVI3000
- max. 20 A @ 400 Hz with AVI3000
- max. 10 A @ 400 Hz with AVI3000
- Aperture
- 6 x 12 cm
- Dimensions
- 53 x 65 x 50 cm
- Weight
- 190 kg
- For generator
- AVI3000, MIG0600MS, MIG0618SS