EM Test BS 200N100

Electronic Switch for Voltage Transient Testing
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  • Electronic Switch Accordance with ISO 7637 Part 2
  • Rented with EM Test Transient Emissions Set
  • Max 60 Volts & 100 Amps Cont. (400A @ 200ms)
  • Designed for use with AN 200N100 & RS-Box
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The BS 200N100 is used to evaluate automotive electrical and electronic components for conducted emissions of transients along battery fed or switched supply lines of a Device Under Test (DUT). A device under test which is considered a potential source of conducted disturbances should be tested according to ISO 7637 part 2. The BS 200N100 and BS 200N100.1 include an electronic switch for repeatable switching of inductive loads as specified in ISO 7637-2:2011 yet supporting former standard editions.

Operating voltage
Max. 60 V
Operating current
Max. 100 A continuous
Peak current protection
500 A
Inrush current
400 A for 200 ms
Voltage drop
Less than 0.2 V @ 25 A
Less than 1.2 V @ 100 A
Peak voltage
Typ. 1300 V
Overvoltage protection
By varistor
Overvload protection
short - circuit over temperature protected
switch off after approx. 2 min with 120 A;
switch on after approx.. 45 s cooling time.
Switching time
300 ns +/-20% (240 ns - 360 ns) into test load 50microH/0.6 Ohm
On/Off duration
Min. 10 ms to 500 ms continuously selectable by potentiometer +/- 5%
On/Off repetition
Min. 1 s to 10 s continuously selectable by potentiometer +/- 5%
AD-CA-EFT Adapter
Adapter 4mm/6mm to coaxial F103 connector