Rohde & Schwarz ENV216 - Rent 50µH 16 Amp LISN
- Frequency Range 9 kHz to 30 MHz
- 50µH V-network Max 16 Amps /240 VAC
- Built-in Transient Limiter, Attenuator, & Filters
In Stock

FCC Part 15 Pre-Compliance Emissions Kit - Rent Analyzer & LISN
- Kit Includes Analyzer, LISN, & Transient Limiter
- EMCO 3810 Max 125 Volts 10 Amps AC
- Compliant for FCC Part 15 Subpart B

TekBox TBMA1 - Rent 30 MHz - 1 GHz Biconical Antenna
- 30 MHz to 1 GHz Biconical Measurement Antenna
- Small, Lightweight Device, & Includes Tripod
- Max Continuous RF Input Power: 2 Watts
In Stock

Rigol DSA832E-TG - Rent 3.2 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
- Frequency Range 9 kHz - 3.2 GHz
- RBW 10 Hz & DANL <-161 dBm (Typical)
- Includes License for EMI Software
Monthly Rental-$300
In Stock

Siglent SRF5030T - Rent Near Field (H&E) Probes
- Frequency Range 300 kHz - 3 GHz
- Ideal for Identifying Radiated EMI Noise
- Thin Design Ideal for Getting Between Components

EM Test AN 200N100 - Rent 100 Amp 5uH DC LISN
- Max 1000 Volts 100 Amps DC (150 Amp Peak)
- ISO 7637-2, ISO 11452-4, & CISPR 25 Compliant
- Switch for Selecting Testing Requirements
In Stock

Com-Power LI-220C - Rent 50µH 270 Volts 20 Amp LISN
- Frequency Range 9 kHz to 30 MHz
- Max 270 V/20 A AC or 380 V/14 A DC
- Fully Compliant with CISPR 16-1-2/ANSI C63

Conducted Transient Emissions Set ISO 7637-2 EM Test
- Electronic Switch, Artificial Network, & RS-Box
- BS 200N100 Electronic switch, 60V DC/100A
- AN 200N100 1,000V DC, 250V AC (up to 1kHz)
In Stock

Siglent SSA3032X Plus - Rent 3.2 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
- Frequency Range 9 kHz - 3.2 GHz
- Resolution bandwidth (RBW) 1 Hz~1 MHz
- Tracking Generator 100 kHz – 3.2 GHz
In Stock

ETS-Lindgren/EMCO 3810/2NM - Rent 50µH 10Amp LISN
- Frequency Range: 9 kHz to 30 MHz
- Maximum 10 Amps 125 Volts AC
- Inductors: 250 & 50 Microhenry (air-core)
In Stock

TekBox TBCP2 - Rent 750 MHz Current Monitoring Probe
- Frequency 10 kHz - 750 MHz
- Includes TBCP4-750 Calibration Fixture
- Internal Diameter of 32 mm
In Stock

Com-Power LI-350 - Rent 5µH 50 Amp 400 MHz LISN
- Frequency Range 10 kHz – 400 MHz
- Max 480 V/50 A AC or 676 V/35 A DC
- Inductance 5μH & Coupling Capacitor . 0.25 µF

Fischer F-33-1 - Rent 250 MHz Current Monitoring Probe
- Frequency 10 kHz - 250 MHz
- Includes FCC-MPCF-3 Calibration Fixture
- Internal Diameter of 32 mm

Siglent SSA3075X-R - Rent 7.5 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
- Frequency Range 9 kHz - 7.5 GHz
- Resolution bandwidth (RBW): 1 Hz~3 MHz
- Displayed Average Noise Level -165 dBm/Hz

Solar LISN 9233-50 - Rent 50μH 50Amp LISN 10kHz –50MHz
- Frequency 10 kHz – 50 MHz
- 0.25 µF Coupling Capacitor
- Designed for MIL-STD-461D/E/F/G

Com-Power LIT-930A - Rent 9kHz-30MHz Transient Limiters
- Frequency Range 9kHz to 30MHz (Pass-band)
- Prevents Damage to Analyzer & 10 dB Attenuation
- Typically Rented with LISN/Artificial Network
In Stock