Teseq ISO 7637-2/-3 Test System - Rent Immunity Test Package
- Includes NSG 5500, PA 5840, & CDN 400
- ISO 7637-2 & ISO 7637-3 Tests
- Battery Simulators up to 60 V 100 A

Teseq NSG 5500 - Rent Automotive Transient Test Generator
- Test System for ISO 7637-2/3 Requirements
- Battery Simulators Available up to 100 Amps
- Pre-programmed International & OEM Tests
In Stock

EM Test LD 200N - Rent Load Dump Generator
- Generators Clipped Load Dump Pulses
- Tests to ISO 7637-2 & ISO 16750-2 Load Dump
- Built-in CDN Max 80 Volts 30 Amps
In Stock

EM Test VDS 200N15 - Rent 15 Amp Battery Simulator
- Pulses 4 and 2b (ISO 7637-2/ISO 16750-2)
- Maximum 60 Voltage 15 Amps
- Voltage Drop Simulator with Low Output Impedance

EM Test UCS 200N50 - Rent Microburst Generator 50 Amp CDN
- Micropulse Generator for ISO, JASO, & SAE
- ISO 7637-2 Pulses 1, 2a, 3a, & 3b
- Built-in CDN Max 80 Volts 50 Amps
In Stock

Teseq PA 5840-300 - Rent 100Amp Automotive Battery Simulator
- -15 to +60 Volts 100 Amps Continuous
- High Bandwidth up to 150 kHz
- 300 Amp Inrush Current Capability
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EM Test VDS 200N30 - Rent 30 Amp Voltage Drop Simulator
- Pulses 4 and 2b (ISO 7637-2/ISO 16750-2)
- Maximum 60 Voltage 30 Amps
- Voltage Drop Simulator with Low Output Impedance

LV124 EM Test System - OEM Automotive Solution (100Amp)
- Many pulses of LV124/Other OEMs (100A)
- Includes - Accessory Kit, Autowave & PA 5840
- Rent PFM200N100 for Additional OEM Pulses

EM Test AMP 200N2 - Rent LF Signal & Amplifier DC - 500 KHz
- Output Max. 160 V p-p, 50 V rms
- Output Current Max. 18 A rms
- Automatic Closed Loop Test Procedures

EM Test VDS 200Q50.2 - Rent 50 Amp Battery Simulator
- -60 to +60 Volts 50 Amps Continuous
- Pulses 4 and 2b (ISO 7637-2/ISO 16750-2)
- Extended Range 80 Volts 40 Amps

EM Test RCB 200N1 - Rent FMC1278 Transient Generator
- Compliant Pulses to FMC1278 & EMC-CS-2009.1
- Pulses CI 220: A1, A2-1, A2-2, C-1 and C-2
- Pulses RI 130: A2-1, A2-2 with Coupling Test Fixture
In Stock

EM Test UCS 200N100.2 - Rent Transient Generator 100 Amp CDN
- Micropulse Generator for ISO, JASO, & SAE
- ISO 7637-2 Pulses 1, 2a, 3a, & 3b
- Built-in CDN Max 80 Volts 100 Amps

Teseq PA 5840-75 - Rent 25 Amp Battery Simulator
- -15 to +60 Volts 25 Amps Continuous
- High Bandwidth up to 150 kHz
- 75 Amps Inrush Current Capability

OEM LV124 EM Test System - Rent Automotive Pulse Generators
- Provides LV124 E-01 to E-15 Pulses
- DUT Capabilities up to 100 Amps
- Includes Software & Verification Kits

EM Test PFM 200N100 - Rent Automotive Power Fail Simulator
- Switch for Power Lines 100 A and Data Lines 2 A
- Fast Switch with Rise/Fall Times of 200ns
- Pulses E10 and E13 of the LV 124/LV 148
In Stock

EM Test AutoWave - Rent 2 Channel Waveform Generator
- 2-channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- Dual-Processor-Technology, 500kS/s sample rate
- Library of Standard Test Routines
In Stock